Research Projects and Activities
Development of Novel Measurement Techniques
We develop novel, advanced techniques for high-resolution measurements. Development includes:
- Wire-mesh sensors
- Extensions of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques
- Gamma-tomography
- High-speed X-ray radiography and X-ray tomography
More information can be found on our Instrumentation webpage.
High-resolution Experiments
We perform high-resolution experiments to gain enhanced physical insight in not well understood phenomena and to gather experimental data for validation of CFD codes, subchannel codes and system analysis codes. On-going projects include:
- Multiple jets interactions
- Buoyant jets in stratified environments
- Propagation of stratified fronts
- Two-phase flow in helical coils heat exchangers
- Thermal fatigue in isolated branch lines
- Void fraction distributions in fuel bundles
- Void-fraction and two-phase flow topology in post-CHF flow regimes at high pressure
More information can be found on the individual projects’ links.
Multi-scale, multi-physics simulations
We develop high-fidelity, multi-physics, multi-scale computational methodologies for nuclear and other complex systems:
- High-fidelity simulation of CRUD deposition on PWR fuel rods
- MIMIC interface for coupling of CFD with other physics (neutron transport, chemistry, fuel behavior, etc.)
- Coupling of CFD with 1D best-estimate thermal-hydraulics system codes
More information can be found on the individual projects’ links.
CFD Simulations (including RANS, LES and DNS)
We perform CFD simulations and CFD models validation for:
- single phase mixing
- two-phase flows including boiling
- flows in complex components/complex geometries
Examples of on-going computational projects include:
- Multiple jets interactions
- Buoyant jets in stratified environments
- Propagation of stratified fronts
- Two-phase flow in helical coils heat exchangers
- Thermal fatigue in isolated branch lines
- Void fraction distributions in fuel bundles
More information can be found on our the individual projects’ links.
Validation and model development for system analysis codes
We perform model validation and development for system analysis codes, including:
- operational transient and accident scenarios for LWRs
- two-phase flow models
Design of passive safety systems for Gen-III, SMRs and advanced reactors
We design novel passive safety systems, including simulations with system codes and CFD codes to optimize system performance