Research Projects and Activities


Development of Novel Measurement Techniques

We develop novel, advanced techniques for high-resolution measurements. Development includes:

More information can be found on our Instrumentation webpage.

High-resolution Experiments

We perform high-resolution experiments to gain enhanced physical insight in not well understood phenomena and to gather experimental data for validation of CFD codes, subchannel codes and system analysis codes. On-going projects include:

More information can be found on the individual projects’ links.


Multi-scale, multi-physics simulations

We develop high-fidelity, multi-physics, multi-scale computational methodologies for nuclear and other complex systems:

More information can be found on the individual projects’ links.

CFD Simulations (including RANS, LES and DNS)

We perform CFD simulations and CFD models validation for:

  • single phase mixing
  • two-phase flows including boiling
  • flows in complex components/complex geometries

Examples of on-going computational projects include:

More information can be found on our the individual projects’ links.

Validation and model development for system analysis codes

We perform model validation and development for system analysis codes, including:

  • operational transient and accident scenarios for LWRs
  • two-phase flow models

Design of passive safety systems for Gen-III, SMRs and advanced reactors

We design novel passive safety systems, including simulations with system codes and CFD codes to optimize system performance

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