Experimental Facilities and Instrumentation
Advanced Instrumentation
Gamma Tomography

We have developed an in-house tomography system that allows to image test sections with a spatial resolution of 1mm. The system can be operated remotely through WiFi.
Wiremesh sensors

We design and build wiremesh sensors to fit a variety of test sections. The sensors allow to measure the instantaneous fluid conductivity on a matrix of up to 128×128 locations and up to 10,000 frame/s.
Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV)

The NS-ECMFL group uses Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) for accurate monitoring of boundary conditions (velocity profile) at the inlet of our test sections. Accurate characterization of boundary conditions is crucial for validation of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) models.
High-resolution Xray tomography

A customized high-speed Xray system has been put together that allows imaging with up to 1000 frames/s. The xray tube has a focal spot of 0.6 mm, a voltage of up to 150 KV and a power of 80 kW. Imaging is done using an image intensifier coupled with a high-speed camera, a linear detector and 2D detector panels.