Sanjoy Banerjee
see detailed information at lecturers
Gad Hetsroni
Gad Hetsroni is the Danciger Professor emeritus of Engineering at the Technion, Israel. He has occupied positions at Westinghouse, EPRI, Univ. of California-Santa Barbara, and Stanford University in the US. He has also served as the Director of the Natl Council for R&D in Israel, and as Dean of the Faculty of Mech. Engng at the Technion. He has worked on many different aspects of two-phase flow and is the founder and Editor of the Int. J. of Multiphase Flow and Editor of the Handbook of Multiphase Systems.
Prof. Hetsroni passed away in 2015.
Geoffrey F. Hewitt
external page Geoffrey F. Hewitt is Professor emeritus of external page Chemical Engineering at external page Imperial College, London. Founder of the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service (HTFS) at the Harwell Laboratory. He has authored and edited many books and published over 500 papers and reports. Former Editor of Multiphase Science and Technology and Founding Editor of the Heat Exchanger Design Handbook. Recipient of the AIChE Donald Q. Kern, the ASME Max Jacob awards, the Nusselt Reynolds Prize, the Luikov Medal, the IChemE Council and Armstrong medals, the Senior Multiphase Flow Award and the external page Global Energy Prize. He has Hon. Doctorates from Louvain, UMIST and Heriot Watt. Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Royal Society and Foreign Associate of the US Natl Academy of Engineering.
Prof. Hewitt retired from lecturing in the Short Courses of Multiphase Flows in 2018. He passed away on 18 January 2019.
George Yadigaroglu
George Yadigaroglu was Professor emeritus of Nuclear Engineering, ETH Zurich and President and co-founder of external page ASCOMP, an ETH spin-off company specializing in CMFD simulations. Was also heading the external page Thermal-Hydraulics Laboratory at the external page Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). Previously Professor of Nuclear Engineering at the Univ. of California-Berkeley. Active in research and consulting and a member of several international committees dealing with nuclear safety issues, such as the recent European Stress Test. ANS Technical Achievement Award. ANS and ASME Fellow. Former Assoc. Editor of the Int. J. of Multiphase Flow.
Prof. Yadigaroglu passed away on 25 October 2018.