Sanjoy Banerjee
external page Sanjoy Banerjee is Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of the Energy Institute at the external page City University of New York. Previously he was Professor of Chem. Engineering at the Univ. of California–Santa Barbara. Member of the US NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, external page ACRS. Earlier in Canada, he occupied the positions of Westinghouse Professor of Engineering Physics at McMaster Univ. and of Acting Director of Applied Science in the Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment. He was a founding member of the Canadian Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety and serves as a consultant to governmental and industrial organisations in several countries. He has received the ASME Melville Medal, the IChemE (UK) Danckwerts Lecturership, the AIChE Kern Award, and the ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award. He has published extensively on multiphase fluid dynamics and turbulence. Fellow of ANS.