Dominique Bestion

Dominique Bestion has been Research Director at external page CEA-Grenoble, in France, Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique, and Editor at Nuclear Engineering and Design. Has worked extensively in modelling two-phase flow for system and CFD codes, and has been project manager of the CATHARE code development. He coordinated two-phase flow modelling in the NEPTUNE French multi-scale thermalhydraulic platform and he was coordinator of Thermalhydraulic activities of the NURESIM, NURISP and external page NURESAFE European Projects for a multi-disciplinary and multi-scale simulation platform. As a member of the external page OECD-CSNI- WGAMA, he coordinated a Task Group on the application of CFD to nuclear reactor safety issues. He is now Scientific Advisor at CEA-Saclay and chairman of the FONESYS international network of system code developers.

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